Hello!! This site as it stands is extremely incomplete! If you come across a white page, just go back :) You find nothing in the light.

If there's something you see acting weird, especially in terms of accessibility, please tell me about it!! It may be something I just haven't gotten around to, but it could also be something I've totally missed

I used to tell myself I'd never have multiple online names, but apparently now I do, HAHAHA: Dysti, Draco, and Javes. Use whichever one you like.

The biggest interest I have that this site won't tell you (for now) is Supernatural!! I am so normal about it; you must believe me. I definitely am not insane for it :D

The only social media I use is Tumblr; url is distantsobbingnoises. I like to interact with people, so come talk or let us stare at each other from the mutual bridge or whatever.

The cat in the bottom left is a sprite from clangen; I will figure out a less roundabout way to credit once I can be bothered :P

I have a site button :D

distant sobbing noises

If you link it to your website, feel free to tell me so that I can link your button back!! :D

Silly increment button

SPEAK OR PERISH.....please? <3