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This is my Supernatural page!!

Supernatural, or SPN, is a tv series started in 2005 about 2 brothers who go fight supernatural monster stuff (and then it escalates), it is currently my main obsession to go insane about!!

It's actually fascinating because I have never watched any tv show (unless you count Pistol or Sons of Liberty, but I watched them for the fact that they were based on the American Revolution/the band Sex Pistols, and they were also really short). SPN, on the other hand, is FIFTEEN SEASONS LONG, with 327 episodes!

I, as of September 6, 2024, have watched 126 of them since March 13, 2024, so I've been having fun.

Every single person I am friends with in *real life* is acutely aware I am obsessed, so...Tea he :)


Sam Winchester

My GUY, he is my FAVORITE, I love him :]

I very much leaned towards Dean while watching seasons 1 and 2, but season 3 Sam...I don't know, the preparation to lose Dean to Hell struck a chord with me. And then he went and drank demon blood in s4, which he was totally in the right for, actually (NO, he wasn't......but he WAS.......I have thoughts on this (TODO: elaborate)).

Soulless Sam

Also, Soulless Sam my beloved...he doesn't love me back, but that's okay because I think he's fascinating for it.

He's Sam with his memories and body, but without his soul, which leaves him without the ability to feel emotions, without any desire to empathize, and without a social instinct. He doesn't sleep, feels only physical sensations, and acts as he does in order to avoid pain and fatigue and experience pleasure.

He works on logic, yet the logic is that of someone stuck between two bad options, because he IS. He fakes emotion to get by, yet it's exhausting. He gets hurt hunting, yet he needs to assure he won't be put back into the cage. Dean breaks his nose, yet it's safer to hunt with him. His soul is being tortured, yet to get it back would torture his body.

When Death is about to put his soul back in Sam's body, Soulless Sam does not want it. Should emotion be felt for him when he screams at Dean, shaky, eyes wide, pleads "get away from me, don't, don't, please don't do this" in front of Death himself? Even though surely he is falsifying his display of fear? (Yet, what is fear if not a strong desire not to be hurt?)

Dean Winchester

DEAN, I don't think about him enough but I do love him <3

He goes through things, and he's simultaneously so determined and defeated. Shoved into, grown for his protector role. Everything inside him is all for those around him; it is his raison d'ĂȘtre and he does not know how to live without it. Does not even know how to live WITH it. He believes he will die young, and he will, again and again, until he finally does for the last time. But not until he hands out more parts of himself he never had, because that is his purpose, and he cannot live with nor without it.


He may or may not be 1/2 of the reason I started watching spn. I dressed up as him to school exactly 1 week after I started watching. (The jacket I wear to school is sort of similar to the trenchcoat he wears.) I put my name as his in games.

I mentioned to my friend that Cas wasn't my favorite (Sam <3), and they were shocked, HAHA. But no, not my favorite, but my favorite to reference. And also I'm literally him (we have slightly similar jackets that aren't actually that similar but shhh).

Patrick the Witch

I don't know why I think about him so often. He's this random dude from 5x7 who is also a 900 year old witch. He never appears ever again. He plays poker for years of people's lives, effectively kills them 25 years at a time, but...he's fair. You win? You take those years. Congratulations. In the episode, it's HIM who's wronged, really; he didn't lie to anyone. His lover did though, betrayed him, tried to let him and herself be killed rather than tell him she doesn't want to live forever anymore.

(Except for how he randomly just decided to give Sam an STD which. Huh? What motivated him to do this in particular. ??? Was this supposed to be comic relief.)
